Key Stage 3 Religious Belief

In Year 7, students explore the foundations of faith as a basis for the remainder of Key Stage 3. In Year 8, students explore the implications of faith. By Year 9, students are introduced to the challenges of faith.

Year 7

Autumn Term: What does Faith mean?

The six main world religions, their beliefs, practices, leaders and followers (including a study of Humanism).

Spring Term: Does religion divide or unite?

Expressions of division (within and between faiths) as well as expressions of unity as faiths work together.

Summer Term: What is radical about Jesus?

Jesus’s life, teachings and purpose – the one who divides History and faiths – including his radical death; who is to blame? 

Year 8

Autumn Term: What does Life mean?

The beginning of life – Origins of the world according to faiths – religious and non-religious. Does faith demand a dispute with Science – Creation versus Big Bang?

Spring Term: What is good and evil?

The meaning of life in the context of suffering? Where does evil come from? Is anyone evil?

Summer Term: What happens when we die?

The responses of the religious and non-religious views. How to evaluate differing experiences and convictions.

Year 9

Autumn Term: What does God mean?

Is there any evidence for God’s existence? The definition and meaning of Religious Experience and the Miraculous.

Spring Term: What is Morality?

The philosophical basis of morality – where does it come from, must it be religious? The meaning of the good/moral life – hedonism, happiness or holiness?

Summer Term: What is the future of Faith?

Questions of philosophy – faith and existence? Questions of Morality – how faith ‘works’.

Years 10 and 11

Students have a comprehensive provision for their Religious Education through four strands. First, a dedicated study of Ethical studies from a Religious perspective each month. Secondly, through assemblies with a specific RS focus (including Diwali, Remembrance, Christmas, Ramadan etc). Thirdly through combined PSHE provision. Fourthly, through an established Faith Forum day in June (Year 10).